Understanding OLAP: How It Works, Tools to Use

Picture this: you’re watching your analytics query crawl through millions of rows of time-series data. Your coffee's gone cold, and that dashboard your product team needed "ASAP"? It's still loading. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone—many developers hit this wall when their traditional row-based databases struggle with complex analytical queries at scale.

For developers dealing with large-scale data analysis, on-line analytical processing (OLAP) is the difference between a dashboard that loads in seconds versus minutes. While your trusty row-based OLTP (on-line transaction processing) database excels at transactions, it wasn't necessarily built for heavy analytical lifting—or was it? 😏

In this article, you'll learn the following:

  • What OLAP is

  • How OLAP works and when it is used

  • Tools for OLAP implementation

By the end of this blog post, you should have a better understanding of how OLAP systems work and the tools you can use to make your real-time analytics dashboards faster, powered by one database, and without maintaining complex ETL (extract, transform, load) systems.

What Is OLAP?

On-line analytical processing (OLAP) is a category of software tools that enables you to analyze multidimensional data interactively from multiple perspectives. OLAP systems are designed to help with complex calculations, trend analysis, and data modeling, providing deep insights that support decision-making processes.

OLAP key features

Multidimensional analysis is at the heart of OLAP systems, enabling you to examine data from various perspectives simultaneously. This approach allows users to view their data through multiple lenses at once, such as time, geography, product categories, and customer segments. The power of this analysis lies in its ability to support the "slicing and dicing" of data, where users can drill into specific combinations of dimensions to uncover detailed insights about their business operations.

Aggregated data is another cornerstone of OLAP functionality, where the system pre-calculates and stores summarized information to support rapid analysis. This pre-aggregation approach means that when users need high-level insights, they can access them instantly without waiting for complex calculations to complete. Yet this doesn't come at the expense of detail—OLAP systems maintain powerful drill-down capabilities, allowing users to dive deeper into the underlying data whenever they need to investigate specific patterns or anomalies.

Interactive queries represent the third pillar of OLAP systems, providing users with the ability to explore their data dynamically and efficiently. These systems are engineered to deliver fast response times even for complex queries, enabling business users to perform sophisticated analyses without requiring deep technical knowledge. This interactive nature supports real-time exploration of data relationships, allowing analysts to follow their analytical instincts and discover unexpected patterns or correlations in their data. Users can freely explore different aspects of their data, testing hypotheses and uncovering insights through an intuitive query interface.

Let's explore some concrete examples of how OLAP systems are used in different industries:

Retail analytics 

If you’re building a dashboard for a retail chain, you’d want to analyze a number of elements:

  • Sales performance by store location, product category, and time

  • Customer buying patterns across different seasons

  • Inventory optimization based on historical demand

-- Example OLAP query for retail analysis SELECT     Store_region,     Product_category,     DATE_TRUNC('month', sale_date) as month,     SUM(sales_amount) as total_sales,     COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id) as unique_customers,     AVG(profit_margin) as avg_margin FROM sales_facts JOIN dim_store ON sales_facts.store_id = dim_store.store_id JOIN dim_product ON sales_facts.product_id = dim_product.product_id WHERE sale_date >= '2023-01-01' GROUP BY     Store_region,     Product_category,     DATE_TRUNC('month', sale_date) ORDER BY     Store_region,     Product_category,     month;

Financial services 

Investment firms use OLAP to:

  • Analyze portfolio performance across different asset classes

  • Track risk metrics over time

  • Monitor compliance across various jurisdictions

-- Example OLAP query for investment portfolio analysis

SELECT     Asset_class,     Portfolio_id,     DATE_TRUNC('day', transaction_date) as trade_date,     SUM(market_value) as total_value,     AVG(risk_score) as avg_risk,     SUM(CASE WHEN compliance_status = 'violated' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as compliance_violations FROM portfolio_facts JOIN dim_asset ON portfolio_facts.asset_id = dim_asset.asset_id JOIN dim_risk ON portfolio_facts.risk_id = dim_risk.risk_id WHERE transaction_date >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '30 days' GROUP BY     Asset_class,     Portfolio_id,     DATE_TRUNC('day', transaction_date) HAVING SUM(market_value) > 1000000 ORDER BY trade_date DESC;

Healthcare analytics

Healthcare providers utilize OLAP for:

  • Patient outcome analysis across different treatments

  • Resource utilization patterns

  • Cost analysis by department and procedure

-- Example OLAP query for healthcare analytics

SELECT     Department_name,     Procedure_type,     Patient_diagnosis,     COUNT(DISTINCT patient_id) as total_patients,     AVG(length_of_stay) as avg_stay_duration,     SUM(procedure_cost) as total_cost,     AVG(CASE WHEN outcome_status = 'successful' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as success_rate FROM treatment_facts JOIN dim_department ON treatment_facts.dept_id = dim_department.dept_id JOIN dim_procedure ON treatment_facts.procedure_id = dim_procedure.procedure_id WHERE treatment_date BETWEEN '2023-01-01' AND '2023-12-31' GROUP BY     Department_name,     Procedure_type,     Patient_diagnosis HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT patient_id) > 10 ORDER BY     Department_name,     total_cost DESC;

Deriving insights from data, sometimes in real time, is also common in many other industries, from oil and gas, manufacturing, and energy to IoT. 

Here are some concrete OLAP use cases:

Data mining

OLAP systems are excellent for organizing large volumes of data, making it easier to perform data mining tasks.

Example: Identifying customer purchasing patterns over time to inform marketing strategies.

Predictive modeling

The multidimensional structure of OLAP systems supports complex predictive models.

Example: Forecasting future sales based on historical data across different regions and time periods.

Budgeting and financial planning

OLAP tools can consolidate financial data from various departments for comprehensive budgeting.

Example: Analyzing expenses and revenues across different business units to optimize budget allocation.

Let’s now see how OLAP systems work.

How OLAP Works

At the core of OLAP systems is the (now outdated) concept of the data cube (also known as a multidimensional cube). This structure allows data to be modeled and viewed in multiple dimensions, making it easier to analyze complex data sets.

Data cubes explained

A data cube is a multi-dimensional array of values typically derived from a relational database. While a traditional database might store data in two dimensions (rows and columns), a data cube can handle more dimensions, often referred to as hypercubes.


A data cube structure

Dimensions in a data cube:

  • Time dimension: daily, monthly, quarterly sales data

  • Geographical dimension: sales data segmented by city, region, or country

  • Product dimension: data categorized by different product lines or items

OLAP Operations

OLAP systems perform various operations to manipulate and analyze data cubes:

  • Slice and dice: isolating a single layer (slice) or rearranging (dice) the data to view from different perspectives

  • Drill down/up: navigating through the data hierarchy to view data at increasing levels of detail or summarization

  • Pivot (rotate): reorienting the multidimensional view of data to see it from different angles

Sample SQL for OLAP operation:

SELECT region, product_line, SUM(sales) as total_sales FROM sales_data GROUP BY CUBE (region, product_line);

Data Cubes: Is That All There Is?

Data cubes and OLAP systems have evolved significantly over the years, though the core concepts remain relevant. Traditional data cubes, as conceived in the 1990s, are still used in some enterprises, particularly those with legacy systems or specific analytical needs. However, today’s applications demand something more sophisticated: the ability to handle both real-time analytics and transactions in a single system.

The primary reason for this evolution is the emergence of more flexible and scalable approaches. Modern data warehousing solutions have essentially transformed how we think about multidimensional analysis. These platforms implement what we might call "virtual" or "dynamic" cubes, where the multidimensional analysis happens on the fly rather than through pre-built cube structures.

Let’s use an example to illustrate this: in a traditional data cube, you might pre-aggregate sales data by dimensions like time, product, and location. This would create a physical cube structure stored on disk. Today, instead of doing this, modern systems use columnar storage and powerful query engines that can compute these aggregations in real time. For instance, a query like "show me sales by product category by quarter across all regions" doesn't need a pre-built cube—it can be computed instantly from the base data.

Different approaches to data cubes

The current approaches that have largely replaced traditional data cubes include:

Semantic layers create abstraction layers that provide cube-like functionality without the physical limitations of traditional OLAP cubes. They allow analysts to define business metrics and dimensions in code, which can then be reused across different analyses.

Modern OLAP engines provide OLAP functionality but with much more flexibility than traditional cubes. They can handle real-time data ingestion and don't require the rigid structure of classical data cubes.

Metric stores serve as a single source of truth for business metrics. These solutions address one of the key purposes of traditional data cubes—providing consistent business metrics—but do so in a more flexible and maintainable way.

Hybrid approaches, like TimescaleDB, bridge traditional OLAP capabilities and modern time-series needs. Rather than forcing developers to choose between a transactional (OLTP) database and an analytics (OLAP) database, TimescaleDB combines the best of both worlds. It blends row-oriented and column-oriented storage formats into one system, creating a hybrid storage engine that seamlessly and automatically shifts data between the two based on how it’s used. 


Plus, where traditional data cubes might store pre-calculated aggregations for every possible dimension,  TimescaleDB uses a more sophisticated approach—continuous aggregates. These work similarly to PostgreSQL materialized views but are automatically maintained and updated as new data arrives.

Why choose a different approach?

The shift away from traditional data cubes has been driven by several key advantages of these modern approaches:

  • Scalability: Modern solutions can handle much larger datasets and more complex analyses. 

  • Flexibility: They can adapt to changing business requirements without requiring cube rebuilds. 

  • Real-time capability: They can incorporate new data much more quickly than traditional cube-based systems.

However, it's worth noting that the fundamental concepts behind data cubes—dimensions, measures, hierarchies, and aggregations—are still very much alive. They've just been reimagined and implemented in more sophisticated ways. When designing modern data systems, we still think in terms of these concepts, but we implement them using more flexible and powerful tools.

Tools for OLAP Implementation

Let’s discuss some of these more flexible and powerful OLAP tools. Implementing an OLAP system involves several components, each serving a specific purpose in the data analysis process.

Data warehouse

At the core of any OLAP system lies the data warehouse, serving as the central repository where data from various sources converges. Unlike traditional databases that handle day-to-day transactions, data warehouses are specifically designed to store large volumes of historical data optimized for analysis.

Data warehouses perform crucial preprocessing tasks, cleaning and preparing data for analytical use. For example, when customer data arrives from multiple systems—perhaps a CRM, an e-commerce platform, and a support ticket system—the warehouse harmonizes these different formats into a consistent structure. This standardization ensures that when analysts query the data, they receive reliable and meaningful results.

Function: cleans and prepares data for analysis

Example tools: Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery

ETL tools

Extract, transform, and load (ETL) tools act as the bridge between raw data and analytical insights. These tools perform the crucial work of reshaping data into formats optimized for analysis. The process begins with extracting data from source systems, whether they're databases, application logs, or external feeds. The transformation phase then applies business rules, cleanses the data, and performs necessary calculations. Finally, the load phase places the processed data into the warehouse or OLAP database.

Modern ETL tools can handle complex transformations required for OLAP analysis. For instance, when preparing sales data for analysis, an ETL tool might calculate daily aggregates, convert currencies to a standard unit, and combine product categories—all while maintaining data quality and consistency.

Function: transforms raw data into a usable format

Example tools: IBM DataStage, Informatica PowerCenter

OLAP or hybrid databases

OLAP databases are specialized systems designed to efficiently handle multidimensional data structures. Unlike traditional databases, which excel at recording individual transactions, OLAP databases optimize for analytical operations like aggregating sales across multiple dimensions or calculating year-over-year growth rates.

However, hybrid approaches that combine OLTP and OLAP capabilities represent perhaps the most significant evolution in this space. TimescaleDB exemplifies this approach, addressing a crucial challenge in modern applications: the need to handle both transactions and analytics in a single system. Rather than forcing developers to choose between a transactional (OLTP) database and an analytics (OLAP) database, TimescaleDB combines both capabilities in one unified platform.

Hybrid databases employ sophisticated storage strategies to handle analytical workloads. For example, they might store data in columnar formats to speed up aggregate calculations or maintain pre-computed summaries for common analytical paths.

TimescaleDB’s approach transforms a row-oriented database like PostgreSQL into a powerful hybrid row-columnar storage engine that is capable of handling real-time analytics. This specialized design ensures complex queries can be processed quickly, even when dealing with massive datasets.

There are other Timescale features that make this possible:

  • Continuous aggregates: Unlike traditional data cubes, which store pre-calculated aggregations for every possible dimension, continuous aggregates are automatically maintained and updated as new data arrives.

  • Full PostgreSQL compatibility: TimescaleDB supports complex relationships and joins, making it suitable for applications that need both time-series and relational capabilities.

  • Built-in data retention: This native functionality enables focusing on recent data for real-time queries while maintaining aggregated summaries for long-term insights.

Function: stores multidimensional data structures 

Example tools: TimescaleDB, Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), Oracle Essbase

OLAP processing tools

The final piece of the OLAP toolkit consists of processing tools that enable analysts to interact with the data. These might be specialized programming languages, statistical packages, or business intelligence platforms that understand how to work with multidimensional data structures.

Processing tools provide the vocabulary and syntax for expressing complex analytical questions. For instance, an analyst might use an OLAP processing tool to write a query that examines sales patterns across different regions, time periods, and product categories simultaneously. These tools handle the complexity of traversing the data cube structure, allowing analysts to focus on finding insights rather than managing technical details.

Function: enables interactive analysis like slicing, dicing, and drilling down/up

Example tools: Tableau, Microsoft Power BI

The Future of OLAP

As we've explored throughout this article, the landscape of analytical processing has evolved significantly. While traditional OLAP systems served their purpose, modern applications demand more flexible, real-time solutions that can handle both analytical and transactional workloads.

This evolution reflects a fundamental shift in how we think about data analytics, especially those requiring live data. Instead of treating OLAP as a separate system requiring complex ETL pipelines and data synchronization, modern approaches like TimescaleDB integrate analytical capabilities directly into the transactional database. This integration allows developers to simplify their stack in a single database:

* It eliminates the need for separate OLTP and OLAP systems.

* It reduces complexity in the data infrastructure.

* It enables real-time analytics on fresh data.

* It maintains ACID compliance for data consistency.

* It supports both time-series and relational data models.

For developers building modern applications with real-time analytics requirements, this integrated approach represents a significant improvement over traditional OLAP architectures. Rather than managing multiple databases and dealing with data synchronization challenges, developers can focus on building features and delivering value to their users.


OLAP systems represent a powerful approach to deriving insights from diverse data sources. They enable organizations to combine information from across their operations into meaningful analytics. These systems go beyond basic reporting, supporting everything from complex data mining to predictive analysis that drives better decision-making.

By integrating modern data warehouses, ETL systems, and databases, organizations can build analytical systems that support both real-time and historical analysis needs. But why bolt together multiple databases, add lag, and maintain endless ETL—when one can do it all? Timescale has been enabling developers to build fast, responsive applications that merge real-time analytics and transactions in one system for years.

You can install TimescaleDB on your machine or try for free our managed PostgreSQL cloud for your mission-critical applications.