How to Choose an IoT Database

A man looking at three distinct IoT databases, represented as piles of hard drives.

Written by Timescale Team

An IoT database is a specialized system for storing, managing, and analyzing Internet of Things (IoT) data. These databases handle the massive influx of information from sensors, devices, and machines connected to the Internet. This permanent connectedness gives IoT data its unique characteristics: it's high-volume, time series in nature, varied in structure, and often requires real-time processing.

These unique characteristics make selecting the correct database crucial for IoT projects. The right IoT database will significantly impact performance, determining how well the system can handle rapid data ingestion and quick query responses. Poor choices can lead to data backlogs or slow analytics. Scalability is another critical factor, as IoT networks can grow exponentially. The chosen database should scale horizontally to accommodate increasing data volumes without performance drops. IoT applications also require instant data analysis for timely decision-making, making real-time processing capabilities essential.

By choosing wisely, you can set up your IoT projects for success. A suitable database avoids bottlenecks and ensures smooth operations as the system grows. It forms the foundation for extracting valuable insights from the constant stream of device data, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and create innovative IoT solutions.

In this article, we'll explore the key factors to consider when choosing an IoT database, examine different types of databases suitable for IoT applications, and outline steps for implementing an IoT database solution. We'll also take a closer look at TimescaleDB, built on PostgreSQL, as a powerful option for IoT data management.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an IoT Database


IoT systems can generate enormous volumes of data, often in unpredictable bursts. Your database needs to scale seamlessly to handle this load. Vertical scaling involves adding more power to a single server, faster CPUs, more RAM, or increased storage. This approach has limits, though. Horizontal scaling distributes data across multiple servers, allowing for theoretically unlimited growth. To improve your database scalability horizontally, you can also use a load balancer to help distribute traffic across multiple database servers or clusters. Look for databases that support both methods. 


Speed is often critical in IoT. Evaluate databases based on two key metrics: query speed and data ingestion rate. Query speed affects how quickly you can retrieve and analyze data, crucial for real-time monitoring and rapid decision-making. 

The data ingestion rate determines how fast the database can accept incoming data without creating backlogs. For many IoT applications, real-time or near-real-time processing is a must. Check if the database supports in-memory processing or other techniques to minimize latency.

Data model compatibility

IoT data typically follows a time-series pattern of data points associated with specific timestamps. Choosing a database with native support for time-series data can simplify your data management and querying processes. Look for features like automatic data retention policies, downsampling, and efficient time-based queries. 

Schema flexibility is another important consideration. IoT devices may send data in various formats, and your requirements might change over time. A database that allows for schema-less or schema-on-read approaches can adapt more quickly.

Reliability and durability

Data loss or corruption can have severe consequences in IoT applications. Prioritize databases with strong consistency guarantees and built-in redundancy. Look for features like replication, which creates copies of your data. This replication protects against hardware failures and improves data availability. Backup and restore capabilities are crucial to evaluate how easily and quickly you can create backups and recover data if needed.


IoT data often includes sensitive information, making security a top priority. Look for databases that offer encryption for data at rest and in transit. These features protect your data from unauthorized access while it's stored and moving through your network. 

Access control is another critical feature the database should allow you to set granular permissions, controlling who can read, write, or modify specific data sets. Some databases integrate with external authentication systems, which can streamline security management in complex environments.

Ease of integration

Your IoT database doesn't exist in isolation; it must work well with your entire IoT stack. Consider how the database integrates with standard IoT protocols like MQTT or CoAP. Evaluate its compatibility with your preferred analytics tools and visualization platforms. Some databases offer pre-built connectors or APIs that simplify integration. 

If you're using cloud services, check if the database has native support for your chosen cloud provider. The easier the integration, the faster you can deploy your IoT solution and derive value from your data.


The total cost of ownership for a database goes beyond the initial purchase price. Consider licensing fees; some databases charge by data volume, and others by query volume or number of devices. Factor in hardware costs, especially if you're hosting the database yourself. 

Maintenance and operational costs can increase over time, and some databases require more specialized expertise to manage effectively. Scalability costs and the cost of expanding your database as your IoT deployment grows are essential to consider. Open-source options can be cost-effective, but weigh this against potential support and custom development costs.

Types of Databases for IoT

SQL databases:

Based on the relational model, SQL databases have been a staple in data management for decades. They excel at handling structured data with well-defined relationships.

Examples: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle

Use cases: 

  • IoT applications with complex data relationships

  • Systems requiring ACID compliance

  • Projects where data consistency is paramount

SQL databases excel in IoT when handling device metadata, user information, and configuration data. They're less suited to high-velocity sensor data streams but can work well in hybrid setups.

NoSQL databases

NoSQL databases offer flexibility in data models, making them popular for IoT's varied data types.

1. Document databases store data in flexible, JSON-like documents.

Examples: MongoDB, Couchbase

Use cases: 

  • Storing device profiles with varying attributes

  • Applications requiring frequent schema changes

2. Key-value stores offer simple, fast data retrieval based on unique keys.

Examples: Redis, Amazon DynamoDB

Use cases:

  • Caching frequently accessed IoT data

  • Storing device state information

3. Graph databases excel at managing complex relationships.

   Examples: Neo4j, Amazon Neptune

   Use cases:

  • Mapping IoT device networks

  • Analyzing data flow between interconnected devices

NoSQL databases generally offer better scalability and performance for large-scale IoT deployments, especially those with varied data types or rapidly changing requirements.

Time-series databases

Purpose-built for handling time-stamped data, these databases are often the best fit for IoT applications.

Examples: TimescaleDB, InfluxDB, Prometheus

Use cases:

  • Storing and analyzing sensor data streams

  • Monitoring and alerting systems

  • Long-term trend analysis of IoT data

Time-series databases offer optimizations specific to time-based data, such as efficient data compression, automatic partitioning, and fast time-based queries. They often include built-in features for downsampling, retention policies, and continuous aggregations, which are particularly useful in IoT scenarios.

Many IoT projects use a combination of these database types, leveraging each of their strengths for different aspects of the system. For example, a time-series database might handle raw sensor data, while an SQL database manages user accounts and device configurations.

Steps to Implementing an IoT Database

Assessing your needs

Start by understanding your data characteristics. Estimate your data volume. How much data will your IoT devices generate daily, monthly, or yearly? Consider data velocity, the rate at which data streams in.

Don't just guess at your data requirements—run a pilot project. Deploy a small set of IoT devices and measure their actual data output. This experiment will give you accurate numbers with which to work. Many IoT platform providers offer starter kits or free trials—take advantage of these to get hands-on experience.

Evaluating database options

Most database vendors offer free trials or cloud-based sandboxes. Use these to test-drive different options with your actual data and queries. Don't rely on vendor benchmarks; create tests that mimic your specific use cases.

Create a shortlist of databases that meet your criteria. Test them with sample datasets that mirror your expected IoT data. This hands-on evaluation often reveals strengths and limitations that are not apparent from specifications alone.

Planning for integration

Examine how each database option integrates with your existing IoT infrastructure. Consider compatibility with your data ingestion tools, analytics platforms, and visualization software. Look for pre-built connectors, APIs, and databases with solid community support and extensive documentation. These tools can save you countless hours during integration. Check out user forums and code repositories to see how active the community is.

If you're replacing an existing system, plan for data migration. Determine how you'll handle historical data and any necessary schema changes. Many IoT platforms have preferred database partners. If you already use a specific IoT platform, investigate these partnerships—they often come with optimized connectors and support.

Implementing and testing

Develop a deployment strategy. Will you host the database on-premises, in the cloud, or use a hybrid approach?

Start small and scale up. Simulate your expected data loads and query patterns—test for various scenarios, including peak load times and potential failure modes. Begin with a subset of your data and gradually increase the load. This approach helps identify bottlenecks early. Use tools like Apache JMeter or Gatling to simulate high loads.

Set up a staging environment and a continuous integration/deployment (CI/CD) pipeline for your database schema and queries. This will allow you to test changes safely before pushing them to production. 

Monitoring and maintenance

Invest time in setting up comprehensive monitoring from day one. Tools like Grafana or Prometheus can provide valuable insights into your database's performance. Timescale Cloud has Insights, allowing you to drill down on specific queries. Set up alerts for key metrics like disk usage, query latency, and error rates. This might include reviewing slow queries, optimizing indexes, or adjusting resource allocation.

Additional practical tips

  • Plan for future scaling. As your IoT deployment grows, you must adjust your database resources. Some databases offer auto-scaling features, which can simplify this process.

  • Take advantage of managed database services. They handle much of the operational overhead, allowing you to focus on your IoT application.

  • Consider a multi-tiered storage strategy. Keep recent, frequently accessed data in a fast, expensive tier, and move older data to cheaper storage.

  • Pay attention to data governance from the start. Plan how you'll handle data retention, privacy, and compliance issues.

Remember, choosing and implementing an IoT database is often an iterative process. Be prepared to adjust your strategy as you learn more about your specific needs and challenges.

Why Timescale Is the Right Fit for Developers Handling IoT Data

Timescale Cloud stands out as a powerful solution for IoT developers. With TimescaleDB at its core, which is built on PostgreSQL, it combines the reliability of a traditional relational database with optimizations tailored for time-series data in a mature and production-ready cloud platform.

Core features include:

Performance and scalability

Speed is critical in IoT applications. Timescale delivers query performance up to 1,000x faster than standard PostgreSQL, surpassing competitors like AWS Timestream and InfluxDB. This results in millisecond-level response times, enabling quick monitoring and decision-making in IoT systems.

Timescale Cloud's scalability model fits IoT's unpredictable growth patterns. It allows separate scaling of compute and storage resources, efficiently adapting to changing demands. You can also balance your load with the help of

. And for those who think you need a distributed database to manage the deluge of IoT data, our dogfooding effort illustrates how Timescale allows PostgreSQL to scale with a single node (we’re currently at the petabyte level).

Plus, its tiered storage architecture and integration with Amazon S3 lets you keep historical data cost-effectively without slowing recent data queries.

Time-series data management

IoT data is time-series by nature, and Timescale handles it very well. It offers over 100 specialized functions (hyperfunctions) that simplify complex time-based analyses, including gap-filling, interpolation, and time-weighted averages.

Timescale features automated data lifecycle management, such as retention policies and downsampling. These help developers automatically aggregate high-resolution data into lower-resolution summaries over time, balancing detail with storage costs.

Ease of use and integration

Built on PostgreSQL, Timescale uses many tools and a familiar SQL interface. This reduces the learning curve for SQL-experienced teams and allows them to use existing PostgreSQL-compatible tools, from ORMs to visualization software, without changes.

Timescale provides programmatic APIs for automation and cloud service integration. VPC peering capabilities allow secure communication with other cloud resources, fitting well into modern, cloud-native IoT setups.

Reliability and security

Timescale Cloud offers high availability through automatic failover and replication across multiple zones, keeping operations running during hardware issues or zone outages.

Point-in-time recovery lets you restore the database to any past moment, protecting against data corruption or accidental deletions. Encryption for stored and moving data keeps sensitive IoT information safe from unauthorized access.


Timescale's efficient data handling saves money. Its columnar compression and smart data tiering lower storage costs, while pay-for-what-you-store pricing prevents surprise charges.

An open-source version (TimescaleDB) offers an accessible starting point. It lets teams begin development without upfront costs and upgrade to the paid cloud version as their needs grow.

Real-world success

TimescaleDB proves its worth in various IoT and industrial IoT (IIoT) scenarios. United Manufacturing Hub migrated from InfluxDB to Timescale (using it both in the cloud and on-prem) to build its microservices in the IIoT space. These help prevent and predict manufacturing maintenance issues, analyze and optimize production losses such as changeovers or micro-stops, reduce resource consumption, and more.

Hopthru uses Timescale Cloud to query a one-terabyte hypertable and power real-time analytics that help improve public transportation. This speed is critical to fast decision-making, and having a managed database helps the small team at Hopthru to focus on their application—not their database.

Edeva leverages Timescale Cloud to help build smarter cities and power lightning-fast analytics dashboards with sub-second response times. These are just a few of Timescale's success stories in the IoT/IIoT space, but there are many more.

Let's compare Timescale with other popular IoT databases:





- Full SQL support

- InfluxQL/Flux query language

- Better support for relational data

- Straightforward setup for basic use cases

- Purpose-built for time-series data

- Purpose-built for time-series data


- Often outperforms for complex queries and large datasets

- Potential edge for simple, high-cardinality workloads

Use Cases

- IoT applications with complex queries or relational data

- Simpler IoT monitoring scenarios with straightforward metrics





- SQL-based

- Document-based model

- Native time-series optimizations

- More flexibility for unstructured data but requires manual implementation for time series


- Typically outperforms for time-series queries

- Faster for document-based operations

Use Cases

- IoT applications with structured, time-series data and complex analytics

- IoT scenarios with varied data structures or requiring document-based storage



AWS Timestream


- Full SQL support

- Subset of SQL

- Advanced analytics functions out of the box

- Tight integration with other AWS services


- Better for complex analytics

- Excels in automatic scaling and serverless operations

Use Cases

- Applications requiring advanced analytics or full SQL support

- AWS-centric IoT deployments

Each database has its strengths, and the best choice depends on your specific IoT requirements, existing infrastructure, and team expertise. It's often valuable to run benchmarks with your actual data and query patterns before making a final decision.


Selecting the correct database for IoT applications is a pivotal decision that can shape the success of your project. Throughout this article, we've explored the key factors to consider, from scalability and performance to data model compatibility and cost-effectiveness.

As we've seen, the IoT landscape offers a variety of database solutions, each with its strengths. Traditional SQL databases provide familiarity and robust features for structured data. NoSQL options offer flexibility for diverse data types. Purpose-built time-series databases bring optimizations tailored for IoT's temporal data patterns. There's no one-size-fits-all solution – the best choice depends on your requirements, existing infrastructure, and team expertise.

As you progress with your IoT project, we encourage you to take a hands-on approach to database selection. Run benchmarks with representative data samples, consider your future scaling needs, and factor in your team's existing skills. Remember that the database you choose will be a long-term partner in your IoT journey—it's worth investing the time to make an informed decision.

That said, Timescale Cloud is a compelling option for many IoT scenarios. Combining PostgreSQL's reliability and ecosystem with robust time-series optimizations offers a unique blend of familiarity and specialized performance. Its ability to handle complex queries, scale flexibly, and integrate seamlessly with existing tools makes it well-suited for a wide range of IoT applications, from small prototypes to large-scale industrial deployments. Create a free Timescale account and try it today.