Toolkit 1.14.0 is released!

The Timescale Toolkit team is proud to announce the 1.14.0 version of the TimescaleDB Toolkit extension! This version is now available on Timescale Cloud, as part of our HA docker image, as a DEB or RPM package, or as source code at our GitHub repository.

Candlestick_agg for better financial analysis

  • You can now use candlestick_agg to create candlestick charts or perform open-high-low-close (OHLC) calculations more easily. In previous releases it was experimental, it is now stabilized - meaning you can use it in continuous aggregates without worry and without having them dropped, and rely on it for production use cases.

Interpolated accessors for counter_agg and time_weight

Bug fixes and experimental API improvements

For this release and likely the next couple, we’re focusing on stabilizing experimental features and iterating on APIs around experimental features and making sure they meet user needs. Please give us feedback on any experimental features you’re using so we can improve them before stabilization!