TimescaleDB 2.8 is launched!

We are excited to announce that TimescaleDB 2.8 is available on Timescale Cloud and for download :rocket: This major release comes with the following improvements and more:

:hourglass:The time_bucket hyperfunction now supports bucketing by month, year, and time zone, enabling easier time-based queries and reporting.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: You can now manage refresh, compression, and retention policies for continuous aggregates all in one easy step.

:earth_americas: Improved performance of bulk SELECT statements that fetch high volumes of data from distributed hypertables using the COPY protocol.

:scroll: Support for ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT UPSERT statements on TimescaleDB hypertables, which enables better compatibility with some GraphQL/ PostgreSQL middlewares.

:books: Read about it: What's New in TimescaleDB 2.8?

:computer: Release notes: https://tsdb.co/timescaledb-2-8-release-notes

Try TimescaleDB 2.8

If you are using Timescale Cloud, upgrades are automatic, and you’ll be upgraded to TimescaleDB 2.8 in your next maintenance window.

New to Timescale Cloud? Start a free 30-day trial, no credit card required, and get your new database journey started in five minutes.

If you’re self-hosting TimescaleDB, follow the upgrade instructions in our documentation.

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