Timescale Toolkit 1.11.0 is now available!

The Timescale Toolkit team is proud to announce the 1.11.0 version of the TimescaleDB Toolkit extension! This version is now available on Timescale Cloud, as part of our HA docker image, as a DEB or RPM package, or as source code at our GitHub repository.

ARM64 support

Toolkit now has prebuilt DEB packages for Ubuntu 20.04 (focal) & 22.04 (jammy), and Debian 10 (buster) & 11 (bulleye) on ARM64 processors.

Integral function

integral and interpolated_integral functions for the time_weight aggregate are added to this release of Toolkit. Also, we made trapezoidal an alias for linear in time_weight as it might be a more familiar numeric integral method for some.

Downsampling data with large gaps

We added a gap preserving lttb named gp_lttb to handle downsampling of data with large gaps.

First and last data points

first_val, last_val, first_time and last_time are added to time_weight and counter_agg aggregates to access the first and the last data points within the aggregate data structures.

Other changes

We’ve renamed the experimental open_at(), high_at(), low_at(), and close_at() accessor functions for ohlc financial aggregate released in the previous version (1.10.1) to open_time(), high_time(), low_time(), and close_time() to be consistent with newly added first_time and last_time accessor functions for time_weight and counter_agg aggregates.

We’ve also added support for Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic) on AMD64 processors based on input from our community users.


We encourage everyone to try out this new version of the toolkit and let us know what you think! We’d love to hear from you any improvements or adjustments you’d like to make to the experimental functions, or even if you like them the way they are and would like to see them moving out of our experimental schema. You can leave us a response here to this post, send us a note in our Slack channel, or add an issue to the toolkit repository. Thank you!