Timescaldb and AWS Cost & Usage Report

I want to use Timescaledb to push AWS Cost and Usage Report. AWS maintains one report for each month. AWS overwrites it 3 times a day. It is really hectic task to differentiate old records from new records from the same file. I want to overwrite data for each user twice a day in timescaledb. BUt at the same I want while updating the table with new records old data should be available for query.

I designed my table as

CUR report columns | User id | Insertion Time |

and created an index on time, user_id, and insertion time. Insert time is to differentiate the latest data from the old. As soon as I insert new data I want to delete old chunk. Is this feasible? Or there is any other good approach to this?

You could do the updates in a transaction. On COMMIT it would appear atomically.