Time_bucket width error

Sorry about this noob question, but I haven’t found an answer after googling (a lot).

I am trying to use time_bucket on a hypertable, but I am unable to set bucket_width and timezone as specified in the tutorials. I get this error:

ERROR: invalid input syntax for type bigint: “1 week”
LINE 1: SELECT time_bucket(‘1 week’, ts, ‘Europe/Berlin’) AS min_buc…

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hello @Erik - welcome to the forum!

It looks like you’re using a bigint as the timestamp type. In this case, you’ll need to use the equivalent weekly representation as a bigint as shown here in the docs: https://docs.timescale.com/api/latest/hyperfunctions/time_bucket/#required-arguments-for-integer-time-inputs

Assuming that your ts column is milliseconds, I think this should be what you’re expecting.

SELECT time_bucket(604800000, ts, 'Europe/Berlin') AS min_bucket...

Adjust as necessary.

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Hello Ryan,

Thanks for your explanation, I appreciate it.

Best regards,


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