Multi-tenant - Usage Tracking IOT system - Database Design


I am currently in the initial phases of analyzing a multi-tenant SAAS product in the IOT space and planning to use Timescale DB.

As I am new to time series database modeling, I want to understand how to approach the database design for the following use case.

Our system will allow tenants to set up custom “meters.” For example, an Water Supply tenant can set up a meter for tracking the water usage of their customers, and a network router tenant can set up a meter to keep track of the bytes transferred via their router.

These tenants, in turn, ingest the respective instrument’s data of their customer’s usage and bill them based on their usages and optionally based on other attributes. For example, Water consumption can be billed at a standard rate based on consumption, and it can also be offered at different rates based on the attributes like source.

To address this requirement, I am thinking of using “Timescaledb” in the following way.

We are creating a table and its corresponding hyper table dynamically based on the inputs from the tenant when they set up the meter in our application UI.

  tenant_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES tenants(id),
  customer_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES customer(id),

CREATE TABLE tenant1_water_meter_usage (
  meter_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
  source VARCHAR(10), -- tenant defined enum values only supported
  PRIMARY KEY (reported_at, meter_id)

SELECT create_hypertable('tenant1_water_meter_usage', 'reported_at');
SELECT add_dimension('tenant1_water_meter_usage', 'meter_id');

CREATE TABLE tenant2_driver_byter_recording (
  meter_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
  bytes_transferred DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (reported_at, meter_id)

SELECT create_hypertable('tenant2_driver_byter_recording', 'reported_at');
SELECT add_dimension('tenant2_driver_byter_recording', 'meter_id');

We foresee each tenant will set up 30 to 50 meters to track the usage of their different products and services.

In the worst case, if we have 100 tenants with 50 meters each, we will have 5000 hypertables definition if we take this route.

Am I doing it right here?

Is there any other way of solving this problem?

It seems right. Maybe you can even have large chunk time interval as you have the secondary dimension.

If your tenant are different clients, have you thought about using schemas and skip the extra dimension? If you’ll never query data from different tenants, they can be on separate tables. :thinking:

Thanks for your reply.

If your tenant are different clients, have you thought about using schemas and skip the extra dimension? If you’ll never query data from different tenants, they can be on separate tables.

I couldn’t get this point. Can you provide an example?

Hi @jonatasdp ,

Can you kindly reply to my question above?

Yes! Think like a table per customer. Every hypertable can have the same name only lives in a different schema.

Thanks @jonatasdp.

One final question, is there any limitation on how many hypertables that we can create in a single DB instance?

There’s no limitation @tamizhvendan.

But keep in mind that it will bring na overhead and use more memory to host all hypertable metadata.