Move of data from one database instance to another - how?

I have two database instances. One is postgres 15 on redhat with timescale 2.15

The other is an old postgres 9 on centos with timescale 1.3.

I want to move all the data from the old server into the new one.

What is the best approach?

If it’s just a few hypertables, just export CSVs in a manageable size. Import using timescaledb-parallel-copy will be the fastest.

I was considering CSVs so I guess this is not too bad of an idea…
timescale-parallel-copy seems like a good approach. However, exporting the CSVs is horribly slow. Any ideas for speedups?

You write “If it’s just a few hypertables…” - what else might it be? And how do I check if I have other timescale objects than hypertables?

Can you share details how are you exporting? I see \copy from psql as a very easy way to go. Also, consider doing like one csv per month will make it easy to get a faster results and export slices.

Just using \copy one table at a time. Including all the tables in the timescale _timescale_internal schemas, etc.

Check the migration guides and all options and tools timescale also offers. I see this live migration as a great option for your case as you have different versions on both sides.

Is live migration possible when source system is very old and target system is most current version og PG/TSDB?

Hi @Yanis, I’m not sure about the internals, let’s see if @arun can offer more details about it.