I’m currently integrating TimescaleDB with my website to manage time-series data (user activity logs and sensor data), but I’m encountering a couple of issues during the setup and data queries.
Here’s What I’ve Done:
I’ve installed TimescaleDB on my PostgreSQL instance and created hypertables for tracking time-series data.
I’ve set up my website to log data points into the TimescaleDB instance, using Python and psycopg2 for database interaction.
The Problems:
Slow Query Performance: Some queries to aggregate data over a specific time period are much slower than expected, even though I’ve indexed the appropriate columns.
Data Insertion Delays: Occasionally, when inserting data, there seems to be a delay before the data becomes available for querying, even though the connection is established and the queries run correctly.
Are there any specific optimizations or settings I should apply to improve query performance on TimescaleDB?
How can I reduce the delay in data availability after inserting into the hypertables?
Any help or best practices would be appreciated. Thanks!
Can you share more details about your data? throughput, frequency, cardinality, table schema, indices, etc.
how you’re batching your data for insertion?
Also, if you can share the EXPLAIN ANALYZE of your query, that can help us to understand the costs of the query and if it’s getting the properly indices.
One case that happens frequently is query without filtering by the time column, it leads to longer queries that needs to go through all the partitions.
Is your chunk interval optimized? If not, you might want to set it explicitly using - SELECT set_chunk_time_interval(‘activity_logs’, interval ‘1 day’);
Additionally, for better performance on recurring aggregate queries, consider creating a materialized view. Also check for index if exists on column activity_time. Execute the query with EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM activity_logs
WHERE activity_time >= NOW() - INTERVAL ‘1 day’
AND activity_time < NOW(); And share the result