Hi, can someone please give me an unambiguous explanation of dimensions?
I have scoured the internet for a meaningful explanation with no success.
CREATE TABLE public.raw_data_dimen5 (
rt_timestamp timestamptz NOT NULL,
rt_entityid uuid NOT NULL,
rt_value float8 NULL,
rt_quality int4 NULL
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_deviceid_time25 ON raw_data_dimen5(rt_entityid,rt_timestamp);
SELECT create_hypertable(‘raw_data_dimen5’, ‘rt_timestamp’);
SELECT add_dimension(‘raw_data_dimen5’, ‘rt_entityid’, number_partitions => 20);
Then data inserted.
This creates 20 “dependencies”, my question is how is the data structured within these dependencies/partitions/dimensions?
Also how does one estimate “number_partitions =>”? I guess with a clearer understanding of how dimensions are structured, then the question may become irrelevant?
Any help much appreciated.