Help us take TimescaleDB docs to the next level

If you’ve used our technical documentation and have an opinion, we’d love for you to share it. We’re on a mission to make our docs as good as they can be. We’d love to hear what you like about our docs and what you’d like us to change.

So the team has created a short survey which shouldn’t take long to complete, and are ready to be influenced by your thoughts. The docs subsite can be found at

Meanwhile given that the title of this post is Help us take TimescaleDB docs to the next level

Contribute to open source

You don’t have to be a coder to make contributions to open source projects. Working on documentation is a great way to start your contributions. Our docs are managed through a GitHub repo and anyone can submit a pull request to update them. If you spot an error on a docs page or have a suggestion for a great improvement on an explanation, why not try updating the page yourself? Take a look at the repo:

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Getting started guide: Create a comprehensive “Getting Started” guide that walks users through the process of installing and setting up TimescaleDB. Include step-by-step instructions, along with screenshots or code snippets, to provide a visual reference. This guide should be targeted at users who are new to TimescaleDB and may not have prior experience with the technology.

Tutorials and examples: Provide a collection of tutorials and examples that demonstrate how to use TimescaleDB effectively. Include practical use cases, sample queries, and explanations of the underlying concepts. Cover a range of topics, such as data ingestion, time-series analysis, data retention policies, and data visualization.

API reference: Document all the available APIs, functions, and methods provided by TimescaleDB. Include detailed explanations of each API, along with input parameters, output formats, and usage examples. Organize the API reference in a structured manner, making it easy for developers to search and find the information they need.

Troubleshooting and FAQs: Anticipate common issues that users may encounter and provide troubleshooting tips and solutions. Online Quran Learning Create a dedicated section for frequently asked questions (FAQs) to address common queries. Ensure that the troubleshooting and FAQ sections are regularly updated based on user feedback and support requests.

Hey @Danishs, welcome and thanks for the suggestion.

We have several getting started tutorials focused on different types of users and cases. For example: quick-starts are more related to templates and we have tutorials covering what is necessary.

Can you be clear of what exactly you’re suggesting here? I see we have almost everything you mentioned here. Please be specific for what you think is not clear. All tutorials have links to installing process, we just keep them isolated as it’s easy to update and maintain considering we have a large amount of possible PG versions and different installation methods.