Failover | HA for TSDB

In brief:
Provide a TL;DR of the problem

TimescaleDB version:
PostgreSQL version:
Other software:
OS: Ubuntu
Install method: [Source|Docker|Deb/Apt|RPM|Homebrew|Other|Not relevant]
Environment: [Production, Test, Development]

Optional: share a longer description and โ€“ if itโ€™s relevant โ€“ describe what you expected to see and what you actually experienced. What have you tried? Can you share how to reproduce the issue? :pray:

If you have related logs or config files please share them. This is a public forum please remove or disguise any identifying information such as usernames, passwords, domains, IP addresses before uploading files.

Welcome @Gaurav_Khandelwal, any chance to share more details of whatโ€™s going on?