I created a hypertable, aggregation policy and retention policty. Everythink worked untill chunks were deleted (I am not sure if I they were deleted manually by me, or by retention policy), but now when I try to insert a row that would fall into deleted chunk I am getting an ERROR: tuple already updated by self.
Bug reproduction:
1. <hypertable with data>
2. `SELECT DROP_CHUNKS('data', newer_than => '2024-01-01 00:00:00.000+0200')`
3. INSERT INTO data (time, value) VALUES ('2024-01-02 00:00:00.000+0200', 100)
We are using timescaledb in a production, about 100 000 000 rows are being added every day. We are hoping that new version is not going to break something else. BTW out case seems to be a common thing. It is weird that there are only like 2 issues about this
Thanks for reporting @DFFF. Glad that you have such high ingest rate
If you have more technical details about your setup or context, please, share directly in the github issue as the developers will have more data and insights about your usage to fix the case.