Using macOS 15.1.1 and followed the exact steps on Timescale Documentation | Install TimescaleDB on macOS
Installed Postgres 17.2
Installed timescaledb version 2.17.2
Created a database and added the timescaledb extension. Verified using \dx command in psql.
As working through the tutorial I found out that I also needed to install timescaledb_toolkit. So I also followed the exact steps in Timescale Documentation | Install and update TimescaleDB Toolkit
When trying to add the extension to the same database I get the error:
ERROR: could not access file “$libdir/timescaledb_toolkit-1.19.0”: No such file or directory
The extension is installed, as it shows up when I run SELECT * FROM pg_available_extentions. Using version 1.19.0 of the toolkit.
I tried to fix this using links.
How do I fix this? Please let me know if additional information is required.