When running a timescale ha docker container, postgres config is not being used.:
Provide a TL;DR of the problem
TimescaleDB version: 2.10.1
PostgreSQL version: 14
Other software: Docker: 26.1.4
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4
Platform: Linux x86-64
Environment: [Production, Test, Development]
- While running timescaledb container using below command, the timescaledb-tune updates the /home/postgres/pgdata/data/postgresql.conf file and restart the database but the changes are not reflected in the pg_settings
docker run -d --name name --net network -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -v “local config file path”:/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf -v timescaledb-volume:/home/postgres/pgdata/data timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg14-latest - Even after manually changing /home/postgres/pgdata/data/postgresql.conf file and restarting the docker container the changes are not reflected in the pg_settings. What is the recommended way to restart the database so that changes are picked?
- The external config file is not picked while running the following command to start a docker container which works while using timescale/timescaledb:2.10.1-pg14 image:
docker run -d --name name --net network -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -v “local config file path”:/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg14-latest postgres -c ‘config_file=/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf’
- The image timescale/timescaledb:2.10.1-pg14 does not contain timescaledb toolkit and i.e. why we are using timescale/timescaledb-ha image. As the apk package manager in timescale/timescaledb:2.10.1-pg14 container is not able to find the timescaledb-toolkit package
- We are mounting a managed docker volume pointing to /home/postgres/pgdata/data
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