Chunk has no dimension slices

I have a timescaledb that stores data from Zabbix, so we’ve always just used scripts from Zabbix to create and maintain hypertables.

Now I’m trying to run a migration script from zabbix, but I get this error:

ERROR:  chunk _hyper_1_1503_chunk has no dimension slices

So I start up psql and run a simple SELECT * FROM history LIMIT 1, but I get the same error.
No matter what query I run against the hypertables, I get the same error.

Zabbix runs fine and doesn’t seem to have any problems inserting and reading data from the tables.

What can I do to query data in psql? The migration script I want to run exports the data from the tables to a csv file, creates a new table with new schema and imports the data again, but it fails on the \copy export query

# select * from _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable;
 id |      schema_name      |        table_name         | associated_schema_name | associated_table_prefix | num_dimensions | chunk_sizing_func_schema |  chunk_sizing_func_name  | chunk_target_size | compression_state | compressed_hypertable_id | status 
 17 | _timescaledb_internal | _compressed_hypertable_17 | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_17               |              0 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 2 |                          |      0
  8 | _timescaledb_internal | _compressed_hypertable_8  | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_8                |              0 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 2 |                          |      0
  9 | _timescaledb_internal | _compressed_hypertable_9  | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_9                |              0 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 2 |                          |      0
 10 | _timescaledb_internal | _compressed_hypertable_10 | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_10               |              0 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 2 |                          |      0
 11 | _timescaledb_internal | _compressed_hypertable_11 | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_11               |              0 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 2 |                          |      0
 12 | _timescaledb_internal | _compressed_hypertable_12 | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_12               |              0 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 2 |                          |      0
 13 | _timescaledb_internal | _compressed_hypertable_13 | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_13               |              0 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 2 |                          |      0
 14 | _timescaledb_internal | _compressed_hypertable_14 | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_14               |              0 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 2 |                          |      0
  1 | public                | history                   | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_1                |              1 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 1 |                        8 |      0
  7 | public                | trends_uint               | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_7                |              1 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 1 |                       14 |      0
 16 | public                | auditlog                  | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_16               |              1 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 1 |                       17 |      0
 18 | _timescaledb_internal | _compressed_hypertable_18 | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_18               |              0 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 2 |                          |      0
 15 | public                | history_bin               | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_15               |              1 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 1 |                       18 |      0
  2 | public                | history_uint              | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_2                |              1 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 1 |                        9 |      0
  5 | public                | history_str               | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_5                |              1 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 1 |                       10 |      0
  3 | public                | history_log               | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_3                |              1 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 1 |                       12 |      0
  4 | public                | history_text              | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_4                |              1 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 1 |                       11 |      0
  6 | public                | trends                    | _timescaledb_internal  | _hyper_6                |              1 | _timescaledb_functions   | calculate_chunk_interval |                 0 |                 1 |                       13 |      0
(18 rows)

Is the problem that the compressed hypertables don’t have any dimensions?

I should probably add that I moved the tables from schema zabbixdb to schema public using ALTER TABLE ... SET SCHEMA ...

I can select from child tables without error:

# select * from _timescaledb_internal._hyper_1_13444_chunk limit 1;
 itemid |   clock    | value |    ns    
  23252 | 1715817632 |     0 | 48849584

Hi @einsibjani , probably something messaged during the SET SCHEMA. Can you rollback the schema and check if it still works?

I tried that:

> ALTER TABLE history_uint SET SCHEMA zabbixdb;
> select * from zabbixdb.history_uint limit 1;
ERROR:  chunk _hyper_2_1504_chunk has no dimension slices

I discovered that if I add a constraint on the clock column to the query, then I get results

That’s great Einar!

Thanks for sharing the way to fix it :muscle: