Bad hypertable performance

Hi everyone I have a created a hypertable on timescale/timescaledb-ga:pg15-ts2.11.2 and i’ve added a lot of data. Im encountering a weird behavior when summing and grouping by a few days of data where only the latest 3 chunks seem to return data according to EXPLAIN but all chunks have data and explain is not showing that. also the index scan on those 3 chunks take a long time to come back for something that should be quicker than that. This is the explain results I got … Im not sure if I am doing anything wrong or if there is a different way to achieve this. The link contains the query im trying to run as well. Any insight would be appreciated. Im trying to convince the company i work for to use timescaledb in production but the queries are much slower than what we currently have on a regular postgres db.