PostgreSQL Version: PostgreSQL 15.3 on x86_64-pc-linux-musl,
Timescale version: 2.11.0
We use timescale with a chunk_time_interval of one week.
There are currently 671 chunks available.
The oldest chunk start date is 01.01.2013 (_hyper_4_1794_chunk)
We have a CompressPolicy of 6 months.
Currently we have the problem, that in the oldest compressed chunks from 2013 (for example _hyper_4_1794_chunk) many rows are inserted.
Using the values n_tup_ins, n_ins_since_vacuum, idx_scan from the view pg_stat_user_tables, we can see that there is a lot of activity on the chunk.
The real number of rows does not increase in the chunk.
However, this activity does not occur from our applications
As a result, these chunks become very bloated. The table size is reduced again by the autovacuum, but the index size remains very high.
With a VACUUM FULL the chunks can be brought back to their original size.
I have already written a trigger specifically for the chunk that logs all INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE.
Unfortunately, the trigger did not fire and did not log any activity.
Is it possible to see who or what is causing the activity on the chunk/s ?