A production-ready, modern PostgreSQL cloud

Timescale is the best time-series database: Powerful, fast, cost effective

Supercharged PostgreSQL

  • Automated dynamic data partitioning
  • Hybrid row-columnar storage
  • Advanced compression techniques
  • Incremental up-to-date materializations
  • Policy-driven data management

Timescale vs Amazon RDS

Built for real-time time-series, events, and analytics data

  • Up to 350x Faster Queries
  • 44% Faster Ingest
  • 95% Storage Savings
Read the Benchmark

Trusted by great companies

High-performance data analysis

  • Millions of data points per second
  • Up to 1,000x better query performance compared to vanilla PostgreSQL
  • Millisecond response times for complex aggregate queries
  • Fast scans across historical data
  • More than 100 built-in SQL hyperfunctions for faster data analysis
  • High-performance data analysis

    Infinitely scalable

  • Dynamically scale compute and storage independently, only paying for what you use
  • Scale query capacity with read replicas and connection pools
  • Store infinite data by with transparent data tiering
  • Easily store 100s of TBs across data tiers, and still query as standard SQL tables
  • Infinitely scalable

    Cost-effective and flexibly priced

  • Save money with high compression rates—customers see up to 95% compression
  • Only pay for what you store with usage-based storage
  • Custom storage optimizations for time-series data and analytics
  • Automated data retention policies and continuous aggregations
  • Simplified billing, without hidden data transfer, cost-per-query, cost-per-data-scanned or backup charges
  • Cost-effective and flexibly priced

    Worry free

  • Everything you love about PostgreSQL—excellent dev experience and a rich ecosystem of database extensions, tools, and connectors
  • Continuous incremental backup/recovery, point-in-time forking/branching, zero-downtime upgrades, and multi-AZ high availability
  • No more running out of storage space, managing disk allocations, or getting stuck in the wrong CPU/memory configuration
  • Top-notch consultative support to unblock any hurdles—at no extra cost
  • Worry free
    “Our queries are really fast, taking only 100 ms for a table with around 1.4 billion rows.“
    Christian Halim, engineering manager at Pintu, one of Indonesia’s leading cryptocurrency trading platforms,explains how his team inserts 5 million data rows every 30 minutes, queries more than a billion data rows in 0.1 seconds, and automatically deletes a billion data rows per day.

    Find the best time-series database for you

    Timescale makes Postgres powerful, affordable, and worry free for time-series data.

    Ready to experience PostgreSQL made powerful and worry free for time-series workloads?

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