It seems the queries are slower when executed in a lateral join, here with a single element loop , than as a plain query and looking at explain it seems it doesn’t exclude the chunks like it does with the plain query. Is this a known behavior ? Maybe related to the fact that yearts is only known at runtime ? Is there a way around that ?
lateral join query :
select time, code_id, value from
(step||'-01-01')::timestamptz AS yearts
FROM unnest(ARRAY['2023']) g(step)) g_offsets
select time, code_id, value
from total
where time between yearts::timestamptz and yearts::timestamptz + '1 year'::interval
order by 1) l on true
plain query :
select time, code_id, value from
from total
where time between '2023-01-01T00:00:00Z' and '2023-01-01T00:00:00Z'::timestamptz + '1 year'::interval
order by 1
The idea behind the lateral join is that the ARRAY[‘2023’] is customisable with other years, and also the actual query is more complex with several level of grouping and time offset, but the idea and slowdown remains with a failure to filter chunks. So when there are many years, it will loop multiple times and fail to exclude the chunks out of the time range multiple times.