How to update from ts 2.1.0? Docker container is failing on startup

In brief:
I have a dump of a DB that uses ts version 2.1.0-dev, which I want to restore.
I can’t use it with ts 2.11 and I can’t use docker image timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg12.6-ts2.1.0-latest because it crashes with / line 288: exec: su-exec: not found.
What to do?

TimescaleDB version: 2.1.0-dev
PostgreSQL version: 12
Other software: Postgis 3.2.1
OS: Debian
Platform: amd64
Install method: Docker
Environment: Test

I am moving from an ARM to an AMD64 environment. This has proven quite the challenge because the newest timescale docker container for pg12 starts, but can’t restore my dump and the corresponding version doesn’t start on the new architecture.

Any ideas? Thanks!

I’d just try to use psql and use like COPY to copy the data from your hypertables.

It can be a simple sql like this example:

I’m just exporting in separated csvs because I’d like to load them one by one but you can probably do select * from

and in the other way around, you can also do the import from the csv.

\COPY weather_metrics FROM './data/nairobi.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
\COPY weather_metrics FROM './data/new_york.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
\COPY weather_metrics FROM './data/toronto.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
\COPY weather_metrics FROM './data/stockholm.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
\COPY weather_metrics FROM './data/princeton.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
\COPY weather_metrics FROM './data/vienna.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;

Thanks for the reply @jonatasdp!

Could you elaborate on the “try to take another dump using a different format, more raw to data”-part? What format is recommended?

I am absolutely on board with migrating to pg15 and ts 2.11, I am just unsure how at this point.

I thought I was replying and it end up updating my previous answer :face_in_clouds:

@kiesel please check it again :smiley: