How to create unique index on only id field?

Hi, Dear TSDB Team and users!
I want to implement unique values for id column. But TS throws an exception even when there is already one restriction, including the date of chunking.

CREATE TABLE hypertable (
	id numeric NOT NULL,
	chunk_date timestamp NOT NULL,
	val smallint,
	PRIMARY KEY (chunk_date, id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON hypertable USING btree (id);

SELECT * FROM create_hypertable('hypertable', 'chunk_date', chunk_time_interval => INTERVAL '1 month');

SQL Error [TS103]: ERROR: cannot create a unique index without the column "modify_date" (used in partitioning)

With this approach, there will inevitably be duplicates in the id field, which must be avoided.

Hi Lux, there’s no way to make it without combining with the timestamp. I guess the failing line is on CREATE UNIQUE INDEX right? Have you checked the best practices for indexes?

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Yes, you are right.

Thank you, @jonatasdp . Yes, I read those best practices. It is pitty, that it is no way to create such indexed(

The problem of unique index is that you’d need to check the uniqueness consistency across all the chunks. It would become a very expensive task if we don’t tie it to the timestamp which would scope it in a single chunk. As far as I understand this is the main reason.

Just curious, why combining it with the timestamp field does not work for your case?

It is banal situation) It is needed to keep uniquness by id. But chunk date is different for the same id every time and this creates duplicates of ids.
At now I recreated the table into regular postgresql table.