Does recalc mechanism of CAgg recalcs every time whole chunk?


When the CAgg recalculates the data, does it take the whole chunk each time, or can it only take the modified records of chunk in the hypertable? If second option exists then could you tell me how.

Thanks in advance

What do you mean by modified records?

The consistency of the results will depend on refreshing the data from past to present right.

Let’s see if I’m following you here. If you have a moving average per hour in your cagg for example. Then you update or deleted data from 2 hours ago. It will impact the moving average since the updated record until the present.

Can you share more details about what you have in your context and how you’d like to see it?

Hi Dear Timescale Team!

Perhaps this feature is unnecessary because user can do this by specifying the necessary condition in the where clause.
I apologize for misleading you.

Best regards,

You’re welcome! Thanks for sharing!