


Cloud Infrastructure & Dev Tools

Use case

Dashboards, cutomer-facing application


Improved query performance, Lower cloud costs, Improved developer productivity

Migrated from



Speedscale enhances API testing and observability with real-time analytics and scalable solutions, ensuring efficient and reliable API performance.


Company and use case

Speedscale specializes in providing automated API testing and observability solutions. Their platform enables developers to simulate real-world production traffic, capture and replay API calls, and validate API performance under various conditions. By leveraging Speedscale’s tools, organizations can proactively identify potential issues and performance bottlenecks, ensuring their APIs are robust and reliable before deployment.

Performance problems to solve

Speedscale faced challenges in efficiently managing the vast amount of data generated from API simulations and tests. Their previous data infrastructure struggled with slow query performance and high maintenance overhead, making it difficult to deliver real-time insights and seamless testing environments. These issues impacted their ability to provide timely and accurate performance evaluations to their users.

Performance gains unlocked

Integrating TimescaleDB revolutionized Speedscale’s data handling capabilities. With the use of hypertables and continuous aggregates, they achieved significant improvements in data ingestion rates and query performance. This transition reduced latency and storage costs, enabling Speedscale to deliver real-time analytics and scale effortlessly. Consequently, their API testing became more efficient, enhancing developer productivity and accelerating release cycles.

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After implementing Timescale, our AWS cloud costs went down about 35 % because it is cheaper to run than the AWS OpenSearch we used before. In addition, the query performance improved dramatically. A majority of queries take under 100 ms to complete.

Ken Ahrens, Co-founder and CEO

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