
Apr 11, 2024

State of PostgreSQL 2022—First Findings

State of PostgreSQL 2022—First Findings

Posted by

Ryan Booz

Ryan Booz

About the State of PostgreSQLTimescale’s love for PostgreSQL, one of the world’s most advanced open-source databases with 30+ years of history, runs deep. We built our products on PostgreSQL, are proud members of the PostgreSQL community,and wouldn’t exist without it and the extensibility it provides.In 2019, Timescale launched the first State of PostgreSQL report, advancing our desire to provide greater insights into the vibrant and growing PostgreSQL user base. From the most popular programming languages and favorite features to whether respondents use PostgreSQL for work or personal projects (or both!), the State of PostgreSQL provides valuable insights into this great community. Following a one-year hiatus due to the pandemic, we resumed the annual survey in 2021. Check out our previous reports for more info, and keep reading to learn more about this year’s first findings. If you want to read the complete 2022 report, go ahead!

Earlier this year, we launched the third State of PostgreSQL survey. Participation reached unprecedented levels, with nearly one thousand PostgreSQL users answering our questions —more than double compared to the previous year! A huge thank you to you all for giving back to the community by sharing your experiences with PostgreSQL.

Gathering and making this information open to the public is our way of helping build a better and more inclusive PostgreSQL community. Here are some of our initial findings.


What is your primary geographical location?

Mirroring the 2019 and 2021 survey results, most respondents (54.4 %) are located in the EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) region, followed by North America, with 25.9 %.


How long have you been using PostgreSQL?

While most of this year’s participants have been using PostgreSQL for 3-5 years, the number of new users experimenting with the database for less than a year has grown (6.4 %). The majority of the surveyed PostgreSQL users—54 %— have been using PostgreSQL for six or more years.


What is your current profession or job status?

Most PostgreSQL users (43.3 %) work as software developers/engineers, followed by software architects (13.2 %) and database administrators or DBAs (7.3 %). However, we introduced more title options in this year’s survey, which lent a bit more nuance to the answers. For example, we learned that 5.8 % of respondents are consultants, while 2.4 % are researchers.



Have you ever contributed to PostgreSQL?

Among our sample of PostgreSQL users with 15 or more years of experience, 44 % said they have contributed to PostgreSQL at least once. In fact, regardless of their experience, users across the board have contributed to the PostgreSQL community.


Over 300 respondents answered bonus questions and shed light on what they like the most about the PostgreSQL community, where they see room for improvement, and what would make the community more welcoming.





Three tools stood out among the respondents who use them for queries and administration tasks: psql (69.4 %), pgAdmin (35.3 %), and DBeaver (26.2 %).


Read the Report

Now that we’ve given you a taste of our survey results, are you curious to learn more about the PostgreSQL community? If you’d like to know more insights about the State of PostgreSQL 2022, including why respondents chose PostgreSQL, their opinion on industry events, and what information sources they would recommend to friends and colleagues, don’t miss our complete report. Click here to read the report and learn firsthand what the State of PostgreSQL is in 2022.

Originally posted

Jul 08, 2022

Last updated

Apr 11, 2024


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