Implementing Filtered Semantic Search Using Pgvector and JavaScript

Implementing Filtered Semantic Search Using Pgvector and JavaScript

Conventional search methods rely on keyword matching, where the system locates exact words or phrases from the query within documents. This technique can be enhanced to better capture the context and intent behind the user's query, leading to more relevant and precise search results. Semantic search focuses on understanding the meaning and intent behind the query. Combining semantic search with filters—or additional parameters to narrow the results based on specific attributes—further improves accuracy.

In this article, we explore semantic search with filters and demonstrate how you can implement it using pgvector and JavaScript.

How Does Semantic Search Work?

Semantic search systems leverage vector embeddings, numerical representations of words and phrases generated by AI models. These embeddings capture the semantic relationships between words by placing them in a high-dimensional space where similar meanings are closer. 

Want to learn more about vector embeddings? Check our beginner’s guide.

For example, in vector similarity, the words "Jupiter" and "Saturn" will have vectors close to each other due to their related meaning as planets. This proximity enables a semantic search system to understand that a query about "planets" should include results for both "Jupiter" and "Saturn," even if there is no exact keyword match.

Semantic search has multiple applications:

  • E-commerce search: Semantic search improves product search by understanding user intent, leading to more accurate product recommendations.
  • Content recommendation and discovery: It enables users to find relevant articles, videos, or documents even if their queries don't match the exact keywords. 
  • Knowledge management: Semantic search enhances information retrieval by understanding the context, making it easier to find precise answers to complex queries. 
  • RAG systems: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems leverage semantic search to find documents relevant to a user’s query, then prompt large language models (LLMs) with those documents to construct a response. 
  • Reverse image search: When images are converted to vectors, semantic search can help create reverse image search engines, allowing the system to find similar images based on a query image.

In semantic search systems, data is typically converted into vector embeddings and stored in a vector store along with metadata. For instance, in the case of a document, the metadata could include attributes such as the document’s title, author, publication date, and category. This metadata not only helps provide additional context but can also be used to narrow search results using filters. 

Filters enhance the precision and relevance of semantic search by helping you refine the search results. For example, when searching for recent research papers on a specific topic, you can apply a date filter to exclude older publications. 

A diagram illustrating the process of semantic search with filters. The full data is filtered before the search

Filters can be of different types: 

  • Time filters: allow you to restrict search results to a specific timeframe 
  • Categorical filters: enable you to narrow down results based on categories or tags
  • Numerical filters: help you apply numerical ranges to filter results, thereby obtaining results that fall within specific quantitative criteria
  • Geospatial filters: narrow your search results using latitude and longitude

When using filters, you can combine multiple conditions using logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) to further refine your search results and achieve precise outcomes.

Semantic Search and PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL consistently ranked as the most popular database in Stack Overflow’s Developer Survey for 2023 and 2024. also recognized it as the DBMS of the Year in 2023. Beyond being a robust relational database, PostgreSQL offers advanced similarity search capabilities, making it a powerful tool for building AI applications. Its widespread adoption further solidifies its position as an ideal choice for developers.

To transform PostgreSQL into a fully featured, high-performance vector store, you need the open-source extensions pgvector, pgai, and pgvectorscale


Pgvector is an extension that adds vector store capabilities to PostgreSQL, integrating vector operations directly into SQL queries. It enables efficient similarity searches and high-dimensional data handling at scale, enhancing PostgreSQL to handle tasks like similarity search, clustering, and more. Learn more about pgvector.


Pgai is an open-source PostgreSQL extension that integrates machine learning workflows within PostgreSQL. Working in tandem with pgvector, it allows you to create vector embeddings from your data, retrieve LLM chat completions, and reason over your data directly within PostgreSQL using SQL queries. You can explore pgai’s capabilities here.


Pgvectorscale is an open-source PostgreSQL extension that enhances pgvector by introducing a new index type called StreamingDiskANN and a compression method known as Statistical Binary Quantization. Written in Rust, it improves the performance of pgvector through advanced indexing and compression techniques, enabling more efficient handling of large-scale vector data. You can read more about pgvectorscale here.

Using these three open-source extensions, you can transform PostgreSQL into a powerful tool for vector handling and building machine learning applications.  

Filtered Similarity Search With Pgvectorscale’s StreamingDiskANN

One key feature of pgvectorscale is the StreamingDiskANN indexing algorithm. Initially inspired by research at Microsoft and later improved by Timescale researchers, the algorithm overcomes two critical limitations of HNSW (hierarchical navigable small world) indexes: scalability and cost.

In-memory HNSW indexes are commonly used in vector databases for similarity searches. However, storing all data in memory becomes prohibitively expensive as vector data grows. StreamingDiskANN addresses this by storing part of the index on disk, making it more cost-efficient for large vector workloads. Since SSDs are cheaper than RAM, the StreamingDiskANN index reduces the cost of similarity searches over large volumes of vector data without sacrificing accuracy or performance.

As benchmarks show, on a dataset of 50 million Cohere embeddings (768 dimensions each), PostgreSQL with pgvector and pgvectorscale achieves 28x lower p95 latency and 16x higher query throughput compared to Pinecone's storage-optimized (s1) index for approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) queries at 99 % recall, all at 75 % less cost when self-hosted on AWS EC2.

Therefore, PostgreSQL with pgvector and pgvectorscale forms one of the most powerful approaches for building applications that leverage filtered similarity search algorithms.

Implementing Filtered Semantic Search With pgvector and Javascript/Typescript

Next, we will showcase how to build a filtered semantic search with pgvector and Javascript/Typescript. If you are using Node.js in your stack, this method will help you harness semantic search into your application.


Before we begin, make sure that you have Node.js installed. If not, you can install it using the steps found here

You will also need a working setup of PostgreSQL, pgvector, and pgvectorscale.

Installing PostgreSQL, pgvector, and pgvectorscale

You will need a working PostgreSQL installation with pgvector and pgvectorscale extension. You can do this by installing the latest version of PostgreSQL, pgvectorscale, and TimescaleDB using a pre-built Docker image. You can also use Timescale Cloud, which already has pgvector, pgai, and pgvectorscale installed on top of a mature PostgreSQL cloud platform.

Once you’ve got a working PostgreSQL with pgvector and pgvectorscale, the next step is to connect to the database…

psql -d "postgres://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database-name>"

…and then enable the pgvectorscale extension:


The CASCADE automatically installs pgvector. Refer to this for other methods of installation.

You can also enable pgai, which we’ll use later to automate the process of embedding generation. 


Once done, you can verify whether or not the extensions have been installed:

A table listing all the installed extensions

Installing Javascript/Typescript packages

We will also need to install a few node modules as part of this setup. Before installing, let’s initialize a package.json. 

npm init -y

This step will create a package.json file in your working directory with content similar to this:

  "name": "with_js",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "keywords": [],
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "description": ""

We will use the sequelize module to work with PostgreSQL. Sequelize is a popular ORM (object-relational mapper) for Node.js.

npm install sequelize pg pg-hstore

We can now proceed with implementing filtered semantic search using Javascript/Typescript. 

Step 1: Connect to PostgreSQL and create table

Create a file named app.js

const { Sequelize, DataTypes } = require('sequelize');

const sequelize = new Sequelize('postgres', 'postgres', 'password', {
 host: 'localhost',
 dialect: 'postgres',

const VectorModel = sequelize.define('document_embedding', {
 id: {
   type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
   primaryKey: true,
   autoIncrement: true,
 metadata: {
   type: DataTypes.JSONB,
   allowNull: false,
 content: {
   type: DataTypes.TEXT,
   allowNull: false,
}, {
 tableName: 'document_embedding',
 timestamps: true, // createdAt and updatedAt columns

// verify that table exists
async function ensureTableExists() {
 try {
   await VectorModel.sync({ alter: true });
   console.log('Table has been created or altered successfully.');
 } catch (error) {
   console.error('Error ensuring table exists:', error);

This code creates a table with the columns id, metadata, and content. Since we have used timestamps: true, it will also create the columns createdAt and updatedAt

Step 2: Populate the table

You can now populate the table. To demonstrate, we will use a CSV file containing text content with metadata. We’ve used a multilingual customer tickets dataset from Kaggle for this example. 

First, install csv-parser and fs (for file system operations).

npm install csv-parser 
npm install fs

Next, update the file app.js.

const fs = require('fs');
const csv = require('csv-parser');

async function insertDataFromCSV(filePath) {
 const results = [];

   .on('data', (data) => results.push(data))
   .on('end', async () => {
     for (const row of results) {
       if (!row.body) {
         console.error('Error: content (text) field is null or undefined in row:', row);

       const metadata = {
         queue: row.queue,
         priority: row.priority,
         language: row.language,
         subcategory: row.subcategory,
         subject: row.subject

       try {
         await VectorModel.create({
           metadata: metadata,
           content: row.body,
       } catch (error) {
         console.error('Error inserting row:', row, error);
     console.log('Data inserted successfully');

async function main() {
 await ensureTableExists();
 await insertDataFromCSV('path_to_data.csv');


In the above function, the text field from the CSV file has been stored in the content column. The rest of the fields have been treated as metadata, such as queue, priority, language, subcategory, subject, and inserted into the metadata column of the table.

You can run the script using:

node app.js

You will need to modify the above function based on the structure of your data. 

Step 3: Inspect the table (optional)

You can now inspect the first five rows of your table by using the following function. 

async function displayFirstFiveRows() {
 try {
   const rows = await VectorModel.findAll({
     limit: 5
   console.log('First 5 rows:');
   rows.forEach(row => {
 } catch (error) {
   console.error('Error fetching data:', error);


With our dataset, this is the first row: 

  id: 1,
  metadata: {
    queue: 'ACCOUNTING',
    subject: 'Inquiry About Payment Method Update',
    language: 'EN',
    priority: 'MEDIUM',
    subcategory: 'Customer Inquiries::Payments'
  content: 'Dear Support Team,\n' +
    '\n' +
    'I would like to update the payment method linked to my account. I recently encountered an issue with my current payment method and would prefer to switch to a different one. Additionally, I have an outstanding invoice for which I need an updated version reflecting the new payment details.\n' +
    '\n' +
    'Thank you for your prompt assistance.\n' +
    '\n' +
    'Best regards,\n' +
    'Anthony Weber, Cust# 53212',
  createdAt: 2024-07-24T13:27:34.854Z,
  updatedAt: 2024-07-24T13:27:34.854Z

Step 4: Generate embeddings using pgai

Of course, you can use Transformers.js to generate embeddings and populate the table with an embedding column in the previous step. 

However, this tutorial will use pgai, which allows us to generate embeddings using a specified model directly within PostgreSQL. (If you want to automate embedding generation and updates, check out pgai Vectorizer.)

1. Set up pgai with OpenAI API key

To do this, we first need an OpenAI API key. Once you have acquired it, set it as an environment variable. 

export OPENAI_API_KEY="my-super-secret-openai-api-key"

When you connect to your database, set it as a session-level parameter.

PGOPTIONS="-c ai.openai_api_key=$OPENAI_API_KEY" psql -d "postgres://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database-name>"

The ai.openai_api_key has been set for the duration of your psql session. You can now verify that the pgai functions are working.

SELECT * FROM ai.openai_list_models() ORDER BY created DESC;

Running this should produce a list with 40 rows that look something like this:

A table with 40 rows of OpenAI models

2. Generate embeddings using pgai

We should now alter the table to add an embeddings column of VECTOR type. This is where the generated embeddings will be stored. You can add this column by using the following in your psql shell: 

ALTER TABLE document_embedding ADD COLUMN embedding VECTOR(3072);

Now, you can use the following query to generate embeddings from the content column using the openai_embed function in pgai. Change the embedding model according to your preference.

UPDATE document_embedding 
SET embedding = ai.openai_embed('text-embedding-3-large', format('%s', content));

Once this query completes, you can inspect your table to check whether or not the embeddings column now has vector embeddings. 

SELECT * FROM document_embedding LIMIT 1;

3. Set up the DiskANN index

You can use a StreamingDiskANN index to speed up the search. You can do this simply by: 

CREATE INDEX document_embedding_idx ON document_embedding USING diskann (embedding);

We are all set to test filtered semantic search on our data. 

Step 5: Filtered semantic search using Javascript/Typescript

To showcase filtered semantic search, we will generate embeddings from a text and find other vectors that are semantically similar. We will also restrict the search by filtering on the priority field of the metadata. 

Here’s how you can do it: 


const OPENAI_API_KEY = process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY;

async function performFilteredVectorSearch(text, metadataFilter) {
  try {

    // Generate embedding using the provided SQL query with API key
    const [embeddingResult] = await sequelize.query(
      `SELECT openai_embed('text-embedding-3-large', :text, _api_key => :apiKey);`,
        replacements: { text: text, apiKey: OPENAI_API_KEY },
        type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT,

    const queryEmbedding = embeddingResult.openai_embed;

    // Format the vector data so that it can be used for the query
    const queryEmbeddingString = `[${queryEmbedding.join(',')}]`;

    // Define a similarity threshold and limit the results
    const similarityThreshold = 0.7;
    const limit = 5;

    // Perform the filtered vector search using a raw SQL query
    const results = await sequelize.query(
      SELECT *
      FROM document_embedding
      WHERE embedding <-> :queryEmbedding < :similarityThreshold
      AND metadata @> :metadataFilter
      ORDER BY embedding <-> :queryEmbedding
      LIMIT :limit
        replacements: {
          queryEmbedding: queryEmbeddingString,
          metadataFilter: JSON.stringify(metadataFilter),
        type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT,

    console.log('Filtered Vector Search Results:', results);
    return results;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error performing filtered vector search:', error);
  } finally {
    await sequelize.close();

// Example usage with a text and metadata filter
const text = 'your similarity search text';
const metadataFilter = { priority: 'MEDIUM' };
performFilteredVectorSearch(text, metadataFilter);

When executed, the above function will list five rows from the table whose vectors are semantically similar to the vector embedding generated from text, filtered by the priority field. 

Note that the above SQL query uses L2 Distance (Euclidean Distance) metric to perform the similarity search, represented by the <-> operator. 

In pgvector, you can modify the similarity search algorithm simply by changing the operator in the query. Here are the other similarity metrics you can use:

  • Cosine similarity: represented by <=> operator
  • Inner product: represented by <#> operator

Similarly, you can use other metadata filters along with your similarity search to narrow your search further.

Next Steps

We demonstrated how to build high-performance, efficient search systems by leveraging PostgreSQL with pgvector, pgai, and pgvectorscale, along with JavaScript/TypeScript. The advanced indexing techniques provided by pgvectorscale ensure that your search infrastructure is cost-effective and scalable.

Start implementing your own filtered semantic search today to unlock the full potential of your data. To learn more about pgvector, pgvectorscale, and pgai, check out the references below: 

This post was written by

Originally posted

Last updated

10 min read

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